Below are online resources that accompany the book Ethics for people who work in tech; as suggestions for further reading, viewing, or listening. The resources are listed in the order of the book’s chapters:

[Home] [Resources] [Exemplars]
Go to; or go to exemplars, 16 short portraits.

1. A humanistic approach

The European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence; and their Ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI, 2019

The IEEE’s Ethically aligned design: A vision for prioritizing human well-being with autonomous and intelligent systems, 2019

Donella Meadows; and The Limits to Growth on Wikipedia

John Dewey; and philosophical pragmatism on Wikipedia

2. What do we mean with ethics?

Natural science, Social science, Humanities, and Technology on Wikipedia

Philosophical realism and constructivism on Wikipedia

Science and Technology Studies on Wikipedia

Bruno Latour on Wikipedia; and his essay Three little dinosaurs or a sociologist’s nightmare

Bruno Latour’s books Laboratory Life and Aramis, or the love of technology on Wikipedia

Bent Flyvbjerg on Wikipedia

Marc Steen: Co-design as a process of joint inquiry and imagination, Design Issues, 29, 2 (2013), 16–28

3. Is technology a neutral tool?

History of the electric vehicle on Wikipedia

Langdon Winner, Peter-Paul Verbeek , and Don Ihde on Wikipedia

We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us, 2013

A schoolman’s guide to Marshall McLuhan, 1967

Tristan Harris and Jeff Hammerbacher on Wikipedia

Marc Steen: Upon opening the black box and finding it full: Exploring the ethics in design practices. Science, Technology, and Human Values, 40, 3 (2015), 389-420

danah boyd, Meredith Broussard, Safiya Noble, Ruha Benjamin; Meredith Whittaker, Kate Crawford, on Wikipedia

Ruha Benjamin discusses ‘Race After Technology’, 2020

Abeba Birhane: The unseen Black faces of AI algorithms, Nature, 2022

The Guardian: Why Silicon Valley’s most astute critics are all women, 2021

Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein: Data feminism, 2020

Critical Data Studies on Wikipedia

Critical Data Studies Resources, by Angèle Christin

AI, Ain’t I A Woman? – Joy Buolamwini, 2018

Hannah Fry: What data can’t do, The New Yorker, 2021

4. Value, wellbeing and economics

The New Economics Foundation

Lewis Mumford, Günther Anders, Jacques Ellul, Ivan Illich, Hannah Arendt, and Hans Jonas on Wikipedia

Hubert Dreyfus, Donna Harraway, Neil Postman, and Langdon Winner on Wikipedia

Amartya Sen, Martha Nussbaum, and the Capability Approach, on Wikipedia

Ingrid Robeyns: Wellbeing, Freedom and Social Justice: The Capability Approach Re-Examined, 2017 (open access)

The Capability Approach on Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Ilse Oosterlaken: Design for Development: A Capability Approach, Design Issues (2009) 25 (4): 91–102.

Homepages of Kate Raworth and Mariana Mazzucato; see also below: Exemplars

The Horizon Europe research and innovation funding programme, and its Missions

5. The problem with the ‘Trolley Problem’

Philippa Foot: The Problem of Abortion and the Doctrine of the Double Effect, 1967

The Trolley Problem on Wikipedia

James Wilson: The trolley problem problem, Aeon, 2020

Irina Raicu: Modern variations on the ‘Trolley Problem’ meme, 2016

The Moral Machine online platform/survey; and the Moral Machine on Wikipedia

Edmond Awad and others: The moral machine experiment, 2018 (extended version; open access)

Moral Machines: How culture changes values​, Nature Video, 2018
Mind Field S2 – The Greater Good (Episode 1), 2017
The Trolley Problem | The Good Place | Comedy Bites, 2020

6. Privacy is about more than ‘privacy’

SyRI legislation in breach of European Convention on Human Rights, 2020

Carissa Véliz: Privacy is power: Why and How You Should Take Back Control of Your Data, 2021; my review of the book

7. What is your responsibility?

Herman Tavani: Ethics and technology: Controversies, Questions, and Strategies for Ethical Computing, 2015

Mark Alfano: Moral psychology, 2016

Chimneys, 2021

8. Software for self-driving cars

The New Scientist: Should we all wear sensors to avoid being run over by driverless cars?, 2021

9. Consequences and outcomes

Consequentialism, Jeremy Bentham, and his Felicific Calculus, and John Stuart Mill on Wikipedia

Consequentialism on Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Ford Pinto on Wikipedia

Quality Adjusted Life Years, QALI, on Wikipedia

Peter Singer on Wikipedia, and his book The life you can save, 2009/2019

The School of Life: Epicurus
Crash Course Philosophy #36: Utilitarianism

10. Cameras in public spaces

How Barcelona is Giving Citizens Control of Their Data, 2019

How Barcelona is leading a new era of digital democracy, on Medium

TADA; Future plans for TADA

11. Duties and rights

Deontological ethics, Immanuel Kant, his categorical imperative on Wikipedia

Deontological Ethics on Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

The Code of Hammurabi, the Edicts of Ashoka, the Magna Carta, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, on Wikipedia

The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights on Wikipedia; both multilateral treaties

Interactive maps that show which countries ratified these (and other) treaties

The European Convention on Human Rights (of the Council of Europe, 46 countries) and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (27 countries), on Wikipedia

The United Nations’ Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (UN OHCHR): Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

The OECD’s Responsible business conduct and human rights

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights on Business and human rights

The ACM’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and the IEEE’s Ethical Guidelines & Policies

UN OHCHR Landmark ruling by Dutch court stops government attempts to spy on the poor, 2020

Business Insider: A major flaw in Google’s algorithm allegedly tagged two black people’s faces with the word ‘gorillas’, 2015

Wired: When It Comes to Gorillas, Google Photos Remains Blind, 2018

ProPublica: How We Analyzed the COMPAS Recidivism Algorithm, 2016

Mireille Hildebrandt: Law for computer scientists and other folk, 2020 (open access)

The School of Life: Immanuel Kant
Crash Course Philosophy #35: Kant & Categorical Imperatives

12. Smart devices in our homes

Technological Mediation of Morality | Olya Kudina | TEDxBucharest, 2020

13. Relationships and care

Ethics of care, or relational ethics, on Wikipedia

Feminist ethics on Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Sabelo Mhlambi on what AI can learn from Ubuntu ethics, on Medium, 2020

“Sawubona” Ubuntu Ethics for AI by Sabelo Mhlambi, 2019
Tyson Yunkaporta discusses Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World (2019)
The Honorable Harvest – Robin Kimmerer, 2019

Washington Post: ‘Braiding Sweetgrass’ has gone from surprise hit to juggernaut bestseller, 2022

MIT Technology Review: What Buddhism can do for AI ethics, 2021

Wong on Confucianism, Robots and Moral Deskilling, Philosophical Disquisitions podcast, 2019

Sumak kawsay, or buen vivir or good living, on Wikipedia

Indigenous Protocol and Artificial Intelligence, 2020

Communitarianism on Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Michael Sandel: Justice

Rutger Bregman and Frans de Waal on Wikipedia

Otto Scharmer: Leading from the emerging future, 2016–excerpt, with the three divides on pages 4-5

14. A social media app

Prof Shannon Vallor’s lecture on “Technomoral Virtues and the Future of Human Flourishing”, 2017

15. Virtues and flourishing

Aristotle and Virtue ethics on Wikipedia

Virtue ethics on Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics

The School of Life: Philosophy – Aristotle
Crash Course Philosophy #38: Aristotle & Virtue Theory
Facebook Home “Dinner”- Interesting Family, 2013

Evan Selinger: Facebook Home Propaganda Makes Selfishness Contagious, Wired, 2013

Welcome to Facebook Horizon, 2021

Shannon Vallor: Technology and the virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting, 2016; my review of the book

Marc Steen, Martin Sand, Ibo Van de Poel: Virtue Ethics for Responsible Innovation, Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 40, 2 (2021), 243-268

Marc Steen: Slow Innovation: The need for reflexivity in Responsible Innovation, Journal of Responsible Innovation, 8, 2 (2021), 254-260.

Marc Steen: Virtues in participatory design: Cooperation, curiosity, creativity, empowerment and reflexivity, Science and Engineering Ethics, 19, 3 (2013), 945-962

16. Methods to ‘do ethics’ in your project 

Marc Steen, Martijn Neef, Tamar Schaap: A Method for Rapid Ethical Deliberation in Research and Innovation Projects, International Journal of Technoethics, 12, 2 (2021), 72-85

17. Human-Centred Design 

ISO 9241-210:2019 Human-centred design for interactive systems

Marc Steen: Co-design as a process of joint inquiry and imagination, Design Issues, 29, 2 (2013), 16–28

Marc Steen: Tensions in human-centred design, CoDesign, 7, 1 (2011), 45-60

18. Value Sensitive Design 

Values (Western philosophy) and Value Sensitive Design on Wikipedia

Societal and Ethical Impact Canvas

Annemarie Mink: Capability Driven Design

Naomi Jacobs: Capability Sensitive Design

19. Responsible Innovation

Plastic bags were created to save the planet, inventor’s son says, Independent, 2021

Transdisciplinary Innovation, special issue of Technology Innovation Management Review, 2018

Marc Steen, Tjerk Timan, Ibo van de Poel: Responsible Innovation, Anticipation and Responsiveness: Case studies of Algorithms in Decision Support in Justice and Security, and an Exploration of Potential, Unintended, Undesirable, Higher-order Effects, AI and Ethics, 1, 4 (2021), 501-515.

Marc Steen and Joram Nauta: Advantages and disadvantages of societal engagement: a case study in a research and technology organization, Journal of Responsible Innovation, 7, 3 (2020), 598-619

20. What does your next project look like?

Books by Mark Coeckelbergh, e.g., his book AI Ethics, 2020

Books by Virginia Dignum, e.g., her book Responsible Artificial Intelligence, 2019

John Havens book Heartificial Intelligence, 2016

The Alan Turing Institute’s AI, human rights, democracy and the rule of law: A primer prepared for the Council of Europe, 2021

Ethically Aligned AI: Resources

6 big ethical questions about the future of AI | Genevieve Bell, 2021
What is Ethics? A series of visually interesting videos on professional ethics, e.g., on: Ethical Decision Making; Virtue Ethics; Deontology; Consequentialism; Moral Intuition; Moral Courage; etc.

21. Exemplars

In the book are 16 short portraits of people whom I find admirable. They embody, exemplify, or champion specific virtues. They can function as exemplars and inspire you to cultivate and express relevant virtues.

About the author/me

Homepage,; with a list of my publications (many open access) and my favorite podcasts and videos

TNO, The Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research, where I work as senior research scientist

Delft University of Technology Industrial Design Engineering, where I earned MSc, PDEng, and PhD degrees

University of Humanistic Studies; I participated in their part-time PhD program on humanization of organization